30 January 2013

Cardboard Cities by Andy Rudak

London-based still life advertising photographer Andy Rudak constructs these realistic city scenes completely out of cardboard and other fabricated materials for his personal project.

With the help of master set-builder Luke Aan de Wiel,and almost a full year of research, planning, design, and building, Andy recreated a full series of cardboard city views of London, New York, Mumbai, Paris and Tokyo.

"I knew I wanted the shots to portray a scene of serenity."

"I had decided I wanted these scenarios to be void of any obvious human presence so I used an animal for each shot as the main focal point. From this I was drawn to the idea of the taxidermy animals. I felt they were crucial to achieving the feeling of serenity I was after."

Each city is only about 4-5 feet high, but the sets appear almost realistic through the amazing cityscape details.

All images are © Copyright of Andy Rudak

Check his website: andyrudak.com and andyrudak.tumblr.com

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