07 February 2013

Layered Landscapes by Brooks Shane Salzwedel

LA-based mixed media artist Brooks Shane Salzwedel creates these beautiful layered images of natural landscapes using graphite, tape, and resin, giving a three-dimensional feel.



"The graphite helps develop texture - to give it a painterly quality when up close. the mylar is not only fun to draw on but also gives the pieces the layered depth. and lastly the resin holds it all together and gives it closure so to speak. once it's cast in resin... there is no turning back."



"I'm often inspired by old photos from the industrial revolution and daguerreotypes. those usually lead me into a direction for a theme or subject matter I'd like to get to understand more."





Check his website: www.brookssalzwedel.com/ and http://brookssalzwedel.bigcartel.com/

Source: designboom

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