13 April 2013

Creative Advertising Found In Toilet / Restroom

In restroom advertising, size doesn't always matter, and the best part is that they are fairly inexpensive.

These are a few toilet/ restroom advertisements that got our attention for its unique approach.

Schizophrenia Awareness


"Schizophrenia can be treated. Seek help."

Breast Cancer "Lunch and Learn"


A pink dot tactically placed on a mirror in the restroom such that when a woman looks at herself, it appears to be on her breast. The dot then grow over several days, creating interest and buzz untill they finally revealed an invitation to an event to learn more about breast cancer.

Natan Jewelry Shop (Sao Paulo, Brazil)


These transparent stickers were placed on women's bathroom mirrors in all the well-to-do destinations in Sao Paulo: restaurants, hotels, shopping centers etc. The ads also featured the address where you could find the same jewelry you happen to be modeling.

Rikkis Taxi and Shuttle


To promote that their taxies and shuttles are reliable, company's direct-line phones were installed along with extra large posters that were specifically positioned in restrooms of popular restaurants around Cape Town. When viewed in the refection of the mirror above the washbasin, it gave the viewer the impression what would be next if they aren't responsible.

Don't Drink and Drive


Brief: To warn people about dangerous of drinking and then driving their cars. Could be an innovative media, maybe something in bars, clubs or terraces.

Solution: The urinals of the men's toillets were transformed in an active reminder of the reduce ability to drive when beeing drunk. The stickers were placed in the most crowded bars in the centre of Bucharest.

Battery Energy Drink


Pert Plus Shampoo


Pert Plus Shampoo placed transparent waterproof sticker in various public bathrooms, that simulated a hair reaching out from the drain struggling to avoid being flushed in by the water.

Skateboarding Lessons


It's a sticker placed in a sink makes an optical illusion of a tiny guy skating.

Wash Your Hands


"92% of guys say they washed. 34% were lying."



The idea is that the female symbol is meant to be climbing to get to the male symbol, suggesting that the male symbol is wearing Axe deodorant.


"Turn nice girls naughty". The stickers were placed in the main discotheques' bathrooms of Montevideo (Uruguay).

Murder mystery game Clue


Created by Jenny Luong and Jared Friedberg at Humber College in Toronto, Canada the campaign places special liquid soap dispensers that contain blood-red colored soap in public washrooms. When you try to wash your hands, the soap creates the realistic illusion of you washing the blood off your hands.

Kleenex: Got Flu?


Save The Trees


This paper towel holder was used for the Save the Trees awareness campaign (Shanghai). They changed the covers on these holders every other day to show the damage begin done to trees by using paper towels.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)


DDB Oman


“270,000 trees are flushed down the toilet or end up as garbage every day around the world. Use tissues sparingly.”

Soft Silk Toilet Paper


The objectives of this campaign were:
1) promote the fact that Silk soft is 100% recycled
2) make some awareness on a low budget

This ad is posted in Daily News as well as Magazines in Scandinavia. It has cause a storm of debates. 99% percent say it’s disgusting and gross but if people are talking about it, then it is successful.

Charmin Toilet Paper


Charmin toilet paper wrapped the empty wall spaces inside bathroom cubicles with images of home bathroom interiors, the tissue paper in each cubicle was replaced with Charmin toilet tissue.

Georgia Max Coffee (Japan)


Georgia Max Coffee redesign the toilets of a number of key ski resorts in Japan. The cubicles were fully wrapped on all sides, so that the person caught short would have a ski jumper’s view when they were sitting on the loo.

The toilet paper holder carried the only brand messaging in the cubicle, reading: “Seriously kick-ass intensely sweet for the real coffee super zinging unstoppable Max! Taste-explosion!”

1 comment:

  1. Creative Advertisements It’s quite true about the saying – There’s no second chance at making a good first impression. Advertisement, regardless online or offline, if they don’t catch your attention within seconds they are considered failed.
