13 July 2012

Origami Architecture Of Ingrid Siliakus

Dutch artist Ingrid Siliakus creates some of the most amazing paper architecture.

Palicio del marques de Salamanca

Paper Architecture is the art of creating an object out of a single piece of paper.

Golden Pavilion

Ingrid Siliakus first discovered paper architecture by seeing work of the originator of this art form Prof. Masahiro Chatani (architect and professor in Japan).

Taj Mahal

Before the final design is finished, something like 20 to 30 (sometimes even more) prototypes are made by Ingrid. Drawing paper architecture designs to Ingrid is as building: first one layer, with a single shape, will be drawn and than layer after layer are added. This process continues till she is satisfied with the result. All separate prototypes are cut and folded, to be examined by her.


To design a pattern from scratch, the artist needs the skills of an architect to create a two-dimensional design, which, with the patience and precision of a surgeon, becomes an ingenious three-dimensional wonder of paper.


After the design stage, creating a paper architecture art work is done by a combination of detailed cutting and folding.

She said, "...Working with paper forces me to be humble, since this medium has a character of its own that asks for cooperation. It is a challenge to find this cooperation with each separate paper brand I work with. Working with paper the way I do, namely by means of cutting and folding creating paper sculptures, asks of me to work with meditative precision. Paper architecture does not bare haste, it is its enemy; one moment of loss of concentration, can lead to failure of a piece..."

"...I experience an ultimate satisfaction at the critic moment when the paper, with a silenced sigh, surrenders and becomes a blade-sharp crease. The sound of the paper, which guides this surrendering, to me is incomparable..."


Artbook 'Equinox' can be opened to 360 degrees angle. With each degree of opening and closing of the book an ever-changing interaction between the layers is visible. The cover of the book is made out of thick watercolour paper. An additional decorative carved layer is added to the cover. This also is done to some parts of the inside of the cover.

The artbook 'Equinox' opened to a 360 degree angle.

Big city

View of the two white sides of this artwork. Amsterdam has been an inspiration for 'Big city'

'Big city' seen from the top.

The lower part of one of the four sides.

The Key

The Key artwork has four identical sides, each cut/folded out of a single sheet of paper. The first and fourth side are connected to each other by means of slits and tabs. This way the artwork can be loosened. When this is done, it is possible to fold the piece into a two-dimensional surface.

Close up of the upper part of the Key design.

Christmas card for Bouwfonds Development

One card with five different buildings of their five regions involved. Seen from the front


'Innerings' has four identical sides with circles. These circles are coming together to form a whole. Basic elements – like for instance water and fire – and other elements are added to the circles. These elements are meaningful to the artist. The outside of the artwork is white while the inside is black. Inside the artwork a spider web is visible. Each side of this sculpture has been cut/folded out of a single piece (of between 250 and 300 grams cardboard like paper). ‘Innerrings’ can be folded inwards to a two-dimensional surface.

Reflection on Sagrada Familia

Inspired on A. Gaudi his masterpiece the Sagrada Familia, situated in Barcelona.

Pavilion encaged.

'Pavilion encaged' partly opended as seen on the right image, provides 'insight'.

Process of folding Pavilion encaged

Check her website: http://ingrid-siliakus.exto.org/

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