19 November 2013

Bizarre Shoe Designs by Kobi Levi

Israeli shoe designer Kobi Levi creates these unusual footware that blurs the line between fashion and art.

"In my artistic footwear design the shoe is my canvas. The trigger to create a new piece comes when an idea, a concept and/or an image comes to mind. The combination of the image and footwear creates a new hybrid and the design/concept comes to life. The piece is a wearable sculpture. It is "alive" with/out the foot/body. Most of the inspirations are out of the "shoe-world", and give the footwear an extreme transformation. The result is usually humoristic with a unique point of view about footwear. Another aspect of the creation is the realization. All the pieces are hand-made in my studio. The challenging technical development is the key to bring the design to life in the best way."

"It is important to me that they will be real shoes and not sculptures or toys"

Check his website: http://kobilevidesign.blogspot.sg/ and http://kobilevidesign.com/

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