29 December 2013

Dirt Art by Sarah Rosado

New York-based illustrator and photographer Sarah Rosado uses dirt as her medium for her unique project titled 'Dirty Little Secrets'.

She collects dirt from local parks and shapes this raw material using various tools.

Once the illustration is complete, she photographs the dark soil against a stark white background. There is no digital manipulation to the final image.

"The subject of my work could be something that I have seen in the park, street or internet that interests me enough to create something about it. However, most of my work is an inspiration of my own feelings and thoughts. The process involves tossing a pile of dirt on the table and carefully shaping it into the selected object. I then add real life accessories for realism. Once done the piece is documented by taking a photo of it. Although it seems easy it takes a lot of practice and having the artistic skill to draw is helpful in maximizing the output of the image."

"I wanted to do something different, something challenging. I had seen other artists do art with food and other objects but I had never seen art with dirt. That’s where the idea came from."

"Each design seems to play with the fact that the material it’s crafted from comes from the ground, either morphing into plants and animals as natural as the ground itself, or running the opposite way and becoming objects of pure human-made materialism."


All images are © Copyright of Sarah Rosado

Check her website: http://www.sr-artwork.com/

Source: scribbleblog

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