04 January 2014

Feather Art by Kate MccGwire

London-based artist Kate MccGwire has created unique sculptures with thousands of wing and tail feathers gathered from many birds, collected and sent by mail from farmers and pigeon racers.

"I gather, collate, re-use, layer, peel, burn, reveal, locate, question, duplicate, play and photograph."

"I started to pick up molted pigeon feathers in the park around 2007 within a couple of months I had a collection of about 400. I realized quickly their potential for a larger scale piece where I would need thousands."

"I contacted pigeon racing clubs and racing enthusiasts throughout the UK, asking them to send me their molted feathers that would normally be discarded as rubbish – now three years later, I have approximately 200 individuals who regularly send me envelopes full of pigeon feathers."

Check her website: www.katemccgwire.com

Source: juxtapoz

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