23 July 2014

Sewing Buttons Celebrity Portraits by Augusto Esquivel

Miami-based artist Augusto Esquivel (previously here) creates incredible large sized portraits of celebrities using thousands of small sewing buttons.

Augusto carefully attaches them to hundreds of monofilament strings that suspended from the ceiling.

“I am often obsessed with comparisons of reality and potential and the balance between them, in art: the idea of chaos in perfect order: an object seemingly solid to the eye can also be fragile and inconsistent to the touch; a common object used to create a piece of art becomes transformed into something complicated and intriguing."

“I realize how insignificant and small a simple sewing button can be as it lays in my grandmother’s sewing box, but at the same time how unique and precious it can become as part of a work of art. Like an atom in a molecule, each button serves and shapes the whole. I hold the button to my ear and it whispers to me, ‘I want to be…..’”

Check his website: http://www.augustoesquivel.com/

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