07 August 2014

Layered Sculptures by Eyal Gever

Israeli artist Eyal Gever simulate catastrophes on screen and then recreates them into 50cm resin models using his self-designed 3D animation software and 3D printing technology.

"I create sculptures based on sublime moments. These are moments that fill a person with amazement, awe, terror, astonishment, and silence. They are also moments of pure beauty."

"My sculptures are created from software I have developed. I am influenced by the destructive impact within our environment. Uncontrollable power, unpredictability and cataclysmic extremes are the sources for my work. They inspire, fascinate and remind me of the constant fragility and beauty of human-life. Beauty can come from the strangest of places, in the most horrific events."

"Using my own proprietary 3D physical simulation technologies, I have developed computational models for physical simulation, computer animation, and geometric modeling. Combining applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering, my work captures and freezes catastrophic situations as cathartic experiences."

"The body of work exists in three states: 3D simulations, sculptural moments and digital prints."

Check his website: http://www.eyalgever.com/ and his flickr

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