15 September 2014

Pastel Drawings by Zaria Forman

Brooklyn-based artist Zaria Forman created these large scale photorealistic landscape pastel drawings that document Earth’s shifting landscape and the effects of climate change in progress.

Her paintings are put on sale on her own personal site, ranging in price from £3,000 to £4,500.

"The inspiration for my drawings began in my early childhood when I traveled with my family throughout several of the worlds most remote landscapes, which became the subject of my mother’s fine art photography. I developed an appreciation for the beauty and vastness of the ever-changing sky and sea. I loved watching a far-off storm on the western desert plains; the monsoon rains of southern India; and the cold arctic light illuminating Greenland’s waters."

"In my work I explore moments of transition, turbulence and tranquility in the landscape and their impact on the viewer. In this process I am reminded of how small we are when confronted with the powerful forces of nature. The act of drawing can be a meditation for me, and my hope is that the viewer can share this experience of tranquil escape when engaging the work."

"In August 2012 I led Chasing the Light, an art expedition sailing up the northwest coast of Greenland, retracing the 1869 journey of American painter William Bradford and artistically documenting the rapidly changing arctic landscape. Continuing to address climate change in my work, I spent September 2013 in the Maldives, the lowest-lying country in the world, and arguably the most vulnerable to rising sea levels."

"When I travel, I take thousands of photographs and make small sketches. Once I am back in the studio, I draw from my memory of the experience, as well as the photographs to create large scale compositions. I add layers of color onto the paper, smudging everything with my fingers and hand."

"The seas are never still; from one moment to the next the composition changes entirely. I attempt to evoke this movement in my drawings. I think of water as a metaphor for life – constantly transforming, both fearsomely and beautifully."

"The forms that we easily recognize are ice, water, cloud, and fog; these are essential elements that inspire my compositions. I am also interested in the transition between these states and enjoy the challenge of translating such sublime experiences into my work. The different forms of illuminated water give rise to the dreamy, atmospheric scenes that I hope will transport the viewer to this remote region of the earth."

"I hope my work will inspire people to protect and preserve these landscapes in whatever way they can"

Check her website: www.zariaforman.com/

Source: needsupply

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