10 August 2014

Food Art by Anna Keville Joyce

Food stylist Anna Keville Joyce (previously here) and photographer Agustín Nieto worked together to create this series of landscape food art that illustrate four major Eastern European capitals, commissioned by blogger Derya Ozyuvali, for travel blog FoodieBackpacker, to promote some of his cooking workshops as he travels around the world.

"Each piece has different challenges. For example, transmit the feeling of fog amidst the light of Prague; give the sensation of water in the Danube river in Budapest; show the colors and designs of Bucharest; and create the idea of height and sky in Warsaw."

"I love the vibes of those lesser-known cities. That’s what I most wanted to transmit through my illustrations - not a fixed iconic or well-known image, but instead a mood and a feeling, and an appreciation for each city’s unique colors and textures."

"Though it can be sad to throw out the illustrations, I love that aspect of my work, both in illustration and commercial food styling - a reminder that things only last for a moment. To enjoy and appreciate everything in its moment, and then move on. It’s a good life lesson that I learn through my work."

"So I throw out my illustrations with a smile, and I look forward to the next one."

Check her website: http://www.akjfoodstyling.com/

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