This is the proof that dust is not always bad, you can easily transform that dust in good material for something beautiful. Who would say that something like dust can be artistic? This just says that art has no limits.
From Dust To Art - British artist Paul Hazelton makes these amazing sculptures from household dust
"Humans were supposedly made from dust, so it is interesting to create other things with it" [link]
He said, "It all started when I noticed the dust on a mask and was able to pull it off." [link]
"I started collecting dust and working with it, finding ways of turning it into three-dimensional structures." [link]
Paul collects dust from furniture, pictures and window sills – but not vacuum cleaners, which he says contaminate the waste. [link]
He then wets it, shapes it and carefully dries it. [link]
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Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide
The Dust Art by Paul Hazelton
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