Laguna Beach based Andrew Myers uses screws as the main medium to create three-dimensional artworks.
“I liked the ideas of using screws because of the industrial aspect and the harshness that comes with using it as a material,” he said.

He starts with a base, plywood panel, and then places pages of a phone book on top. He then draws out a face and pre-drills 8,000 to 10,000 holes, by hand. As he drills in the screws, Myers doesn't rely on any computer software to guide him, he figures it out as he goes along.

"For me, I consider this a traditional sculpture and all my screws are at different depths," he said.

One of the most challenging parts is getting rid of the flat drawing underneath because he then has to paint over each of the screw heads, individually, so that in the end, the sculpture looks like an actual portrait.


"Most people are drawn to the portraits because they have something different about them (from a distance especially). Seeing them in person is a whole different feel than seeing the photograph. They have a sense of depth that the photo can't capture."

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