The use of stickers in advertising is not only an innovative way to attract attention, it is also an extremely cost-effective way to create a lasting impression
Apple Store Window [link]
The broken-glass sticker was placed on the window of an Apple Store to promote the iPod Hi-Fi.
Barcoraia: 3 Million Dollar Catch [link]
Creative advertising for the TV show Million Dollar Catch by placing stickers at either end of the lanes.
Dermagraphic Tattoo [link]
Dermagraphic Tattoo’s placed stickers of tattoos in various bathroom and changing room mirrors so that people could line the tattoos up in the mirror to give the impression that they were actually on their skin, in order to promote their mission to “try before you buy a tattoo”.
Wilkinson Eggs [link]
Wilkinson Quattro Titanium razors placed transparent stickers of masculine faces on the eggs and put an advertising flyer with a promotion on the back in every box.
Elmex Lockers[link]
Elmex used two rows of lockers to create a mouth with teeth. Opening a locker gave the ilusion that there was a hole in one of them. To complete the experience, a product sample and additional information about the toothpaste and its benefits were waiting inside the locker. In one month 35.000-40.000 people were exposed to the message.
Gillette [link]
Outdoor ads in high-traffic Manhattan neighborhoods were tagged with bloody tissue stickers – making it appear that men in the ads had nicked themselves shaving.
Cillit BANG “Clean Coin” [link]
The househould cleaning product Cillit BANG placed transparent stickers on 5 Cent coins they gave out as change to consumers, that were half way cleaned by Cillit BANG and half way dirty.
HomePlus Subway [link]
Stickers were applied to the subway station pillars in order to make them look like life-size HomePlus supermarket stands. The intended effect was to make the people entering the subway station feel like they were stepping into the HomePlus supermarket. No TV/Print ads were carried out for HomePlus. As a result of this unique outdoor campaign, the sales for the opening day exceeded the expected sales by 550%.
Frontline Flea & Tick Spray “Crawling” [link]
Huge floor stickers placed in malls to promote their solution to pet flea problems.
Dressing for Pleasure [link]
The company, Dressing for Pleasure, a specialist in fetish wear put stickers of enticing rear ends on the bottoms of ketchup bottles. Thus inviting bar patrons to explore a completely different appetite while addressing their hunger.
Lay’s Installation [link]
People walking through Chicago’s Jackson Tunnel were greeted with an overhead installation of potatoes breaking through the ceiling tiles, along with a witty message: “Our potatoes are grown closer than you may think.”
Lifebroker [link]
To promote Lifebroker and the benefits of life insurance, McCann Melbourne put fallen safes in the middle of office foyers to get people to read the sticker above.
Pro Skates Skateboard Shop [link]
Pro Skates Skateboard Shop stuck removable vinyl stickers onto crosswalk sign around high schools and skate parks to turn our fellow walking man into a skateboarding dude. Interactive Stickers [link]
Interactive stickers on light switches in enterprises, schools and offices helped save energy and decrease global heating effects.
Golden Holidays [link]
Stickers were placed onto the pull-down meal tray on-board selected Malaysia Airlines domestic flights making the captive audience “feel” their next holiday. “Instant Vacation Floor” [link]’s promotion was aimed at bargain hunters who pick their travel destinations rather spontaneously. While they were waiting for boarding, their floor stickers gave them an impression of what their next vacation could be like – at a very reasonable price.
Travel Alberta [link]
A clever chairlift advertisement from 'Travel Alberta'.
TV3 “Wipe out dryer” [link]
To promote Wipeout (a TV show where people wipe out on obstacle courses to win money) stickers were placed inside laundromat dryers to give people something to look at while they waited for their washing to dry
Wodzielak Driving School [link]
Special stickers with comments about films were attached to DVD boxes. At the same time, the stickers communicated the benefits of taking a course in the advertised school.
Zoo Safari [link]
To communicate that Zoo Safari is not a common zoo, because the animals run free just like in a safari, Zoo Safari created electrostatic stickers containing animal picture that can be placed on the windshield of parked cars to make the visitor imagine what it would feel like to be so close to a wild animal.
Zoo Curitiba [link]
Clever stickers were placed in selected theaters in Brazil to promote Zoo Curitiba night tours.
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Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide
Clever Uses of Stickers in Advertising
Posted by
Susan Yang
on 06 August 2012
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That stickers are intelligently placed, love these stickers.
Amazing! I had so much fun looking at the stickers above. At first if you don't have any idea that those are just stickers, you would really think that everything is real. Such a brilliant idea!
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