Button Sculptures by Augusto Esquivel

Miami-based artist Augusto Esquivel creates these impressive sculptures made by hanging sewing buttons.


"I realize how insignificant and small a simple sewing button can be as it lays in my grandmother’s sewing box, but at the same time how unique and precious it can become as part of a work of art. Like an atom in a molecule, each button serves and shapes the whole. I hold the button to my ear and it whispers to me, 'I want to be…..'”


Esquivel says larger sculptures take about 30 eight-hour days to complete. “There are so many things to do. Painting the buttons, drilling holes in the acrylic, cutting hundreds of strings of fishing line, threading hundreds of buttons into the string and then actually sculpting with the buttons.”


"I would love to work with small toys, Swarovski Crystals, pacifiers, little lights, wooden crosses, empty bullet shells, keys and any other small object that would suggest to me something."



The artist has no idea how many buttons go into each piece. “A lot of people ask me if I count them. I don’t have that much patience. I do know that ‘Toilette Seat’ has over 12 pounds of buttons.”

Esquivel asks the viewers to resist the urge to run their fingers through his sculptures.


“They are irresistible to the touch. I like the fact that [viewers] feel attracted to them, but you have to be really careful. They get tangled if you don’t know how to handle them. I’m thinking I could do one sculpture for people to just touch and get the feeling out of their system. I don’t blame them, though.”


Check his website: http://www.augustoesquivel.com/

Source: sun-sentinel


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