Toy inventor from Ohio, U.S., Steve Casino, creates detailed celebrity figurines out of peanut shells and mixed media.

James Brown
"One day I was eating peanuts and noticed one that was sort of shaped like me. So I drew a little cartoon of myself on it with a pen and showed it to my friend who laughed at it."

Star Trek
"After drawing that first peanut I got a vision of making all of the Ramones but I ran out of steam after painting Joey."

Lynda Carter As Wonder Woman
"I spend a lot of time finding a peanut that is the right shape for the person I'm making, then I remove the nuts, glue it back together, and prepare one side for painting."

60′s Batman And Robin
"I'll look through references to inspire me then make a final portrait, which is a mix of many photos and my own mental warping."

Spider-Man And Doc Oc
Steve covers the front side with wood filler and sanding down the surface.

Sean Connery Bond
He draws a sketch based on photos and starts to add layers of acrylic paint using a miniscule brush, a process that can take up to 10 hours.

Alfred Hitchcock
Arms, legs, and props are then created from wood, bamboo or dense foam and pushed into the shell to complete the models.

Elton John
He always leaves the back untouched, to show people the peanut side of his figurines.

Harry Houdini
"I am going down a list of people I want to paint."

Doctor Who
"I don't know how I get precise results because I have the stubbiest of fingers, I hold my breath a lot while I paint the tiny lines and avoid drinking coffee while I'm working."

Johnny Cash And June Carter Cash
Each of Steve’s celebrity figurines is preserved with a polyurethane coating and costs between 200 and 330 pounds to buy depending on how complex it is.
Check his website:
Source: dailymail

James Brown
"One day I was eating peanuts and noticed one that was sort of shaped like me. So I drew a little cartoon of myself on it with a pen and showed it to my friend who laughed at it."

Star Trek
"After drawing that first peanut I got a vision of making all of the Ramones but I ran out of steam after painting Joey."

Lynda Carter As Wonder Woman
"I spend a lot of time finding a peanut that is the right shape for the person I'm making, then I remove the nuts, glue it back together, and prepare one side for painting."

60′s Batman And Robin
"I'll look through references to inspire me then make a final portrait, which is a mix of many photos and my own mental warping."

Spider-Man And Doc Oc
Steve covers the front side with wood filler and sanding down the surface.

Sean Connery Bond
He draws a sketch based on photos and starts to add layers of acrylic paint using a miniscule brush, a process that can take up to 10 hours.

Alfred Hitchcock
Arms, legs, and props are then created from wood, bamboo or dense foam and pushed into the shell to complete the models.

Elton John
He always leaves the back untouched, to show people the peanut side of his figurines.

Harry Houdini
"I am going down a list of people I want to paint."

Doctor Who
"I don't know how I get precise results because I have the stubbiest of fingers, I hold my breath a lot while I paint the tiny lines and avoid drinking coffee while I'm working."

Johnny Cash And June Carter Cash
Each of Steve’s celebrity figurines is preserved with a polyurethane coating and costs between 200 and 330 pounds to buy depending on how complex it is.
Check his website:
Source: dailymail
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