Argentina-born, Miami-based artist Agustina Woodgate used clumps of human hair to create these amazing arts.
This piece called "Sand Castle", made from clumps of human hair.
This one called "Tower", stands around 4.5 feet tall.
Made of 3000 human hair bricks created using a mix of different-color hair.
Blonde hair was used for the castle’s window frame, and white hair from senior citizens for the narrow ledge above the window.
More of her human hair works:
Check the website:
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Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide
Castles Made Of Human Hair
Funny Toilet Signs
Rice Field Art
Posted by
Susan Yang
on 27 January 2012
Rice Field
Comments: (0)
Japanese farmers are creating dazzling displays in rice fields.
They creating the huge displays using different colours of rice plants that have been precisely and strategically arranged and grown in the paddy fields.

As summer progresses and the plants shoot up, the detailed artwork begins to emerge.
I wonder... how they survey the ground accurately to map the image on a large scale on the ground :-/

They creating the huge displays using different colours of rice plants that have been precisely and strategically arranged and grown in the paddy fields.

As summer progresses and the plants shoot up, the detailed artwork begins to emerge.

I wonder... how they survey the ground accurately to map the image on a large scale on the ground :-/

Cool Plastic Drinking Straw Arts
What can you do with a bunch of drinking straws? Use it for drinking? Is that all you can think of? Well... you are not a creative person then....
See some of the examples of drinking straws projects
All made from straws :)
Floor and hanging lamps called 1000 & 1 Straw Light by Inna Alesina
Straw Light
Padlab’s Popoté Lamps
Nestea Drinking Straw Sculpture by Publicis Argentina. It is a commercial art for Nestea. The campaign’s slogan was “Eres lo que tomas,” or “You are what you drink.”
Clutch Chair and Clutch Light by Scott Jarvie
Straw Light Fixture
Drinking Straw Pendant Light by Addicted 2 Decorating

Floor and hanging lamps called 1000 & 1 Straw Light by Inna Alesina

Straw Light

Padlab’s Popoté Lamps

Nestea Drinking Straw Sculpture by Publicis Argentina. It is a commercial art for Nestea. The campaign’s slogan was “Eres lo que tomas,” or “You are what you drink.”

Clutch Chair and Clutch Light by Scott Jarvie

Straw Light Fixture

Drinking Straw Pendant Light by Addicted 2 Decorating
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