Ray also carved life-size zombies crawling out of a 1,800-pound giant pumpkin for 2011 Halloween.

He used Brant and Eleanor Bordsen’s 1,693 pound pumpkin to create the zombies.

Check his website: http://villafanestudios.com/
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide
Artist: Helen Altman
American artist Helen Altman creates lifesize skulls made of spices.
She said, "Many of my works use commonplace materials and objects. I respond to readymade objects that are often discards or flawed in some obvious way. Alterations in these familiar things elevate them and draw parallels to our own human predicament."
Check her website: http://helenaltman.com/
Artist: Dimitri Tsykalov
Russian-born, Paris-based sculptor Dimitri Tsykalov has turned various fruit and veggies into ghoulish sculptures for Halloween.
Dimitiri said, "I use an electric drill, saw, axe, kitchen knives, spoons, scalpel, pincers and cotton wool pads. Once I have finished carving, I let oxidation do its work - leaving the sculpted piece of fruit to ripen in my studio over a few days. The flies let me know when it's ready and time to take a picture."
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