He combines bits of glass with resin to form the detail and shape of the molded human figures.

All images are © Copyright of Daniel Arsham
Check his website: http://www.danielarsham.com/
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide
California-based painter and illustrator Kristen Cumings painstakingly creates this detailed works of art out of thousands of colorful jelly beans.
Kristen used 15,000 jelly beans for her Mona Lisa masterpiece
She uses between 8,000 and 12,000 jelly beans for her stunning 4 x 6 feet masterpieces.
It takes over 60 hours to complete a mural.
First, she looks at a close up of the reference photo, and then visualizes where each colored jelly bean has to go. Then she paints an acrylic version of the photo on a blank canvas, and once that dries, she begins applying the small beans and tries to match the colors as best she can. The intricate detail and blend of colors in each piece is brilliantly executed.
Cumings uses spray adhesive to stick the beans to the canvas and then coating the finished product in acrylic for protection.
She usually likes to start her artworks by recreating the main features, like the eyes and nose. Then she just starts applying the other jelly beans from the bottom up until the piece is completed.
Check her website: http://www.kristencumings.com/
Japanese artist Seikou Yamaoka creates these complex and beautiful digital paintings on his iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad using his fingertips and a $2.99 application called ArtStudio.
He says his goal is to produce images that look more like watercolour paintings than digital artworks.
Check these amazing time-lapse videos..
With iPad
With iPod touch
With iPhone
Paper artist Joel Cooper folds these insanely complex origami masks and tessellations from single pieces of paper.
Cooper only uses a single pieces of paper, without cuts or glue, shaped by folding alone in the origami tradition.
Little geometrical drawings are made on the paper before folding, which is a process called precreasing.
These masks are hand-painted, dyed, or stained and then treated with polyurethane, acrylic or shellac to make them more durable.
Check his website: http://joelcooper.wordpress.com/ and Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/origamijoel/
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