Brazilian artist Fernando de la Rocque created images using marijuana smoke for his latest masterpiece called “Blow Job – Work of Blowing.”
The name comes from the process that he uses: he took a deep drag on a marijuana joint and blew the smoke on pre-cut stencils laid down on the canvas. After several puffs an image began to appear.

Rocque says he stumbled on his toking technique in 2009.

It takes him a week to do a single print — blowing about five joints of smoke onto a paper daily.
Needless to say that has sparked a great deal of controversy in the art world.
In an interview with Brazilian newspaper The Rio Times, he said “more important than freedom to smoke marijuana is the freedom to think about it and make art with it. Polemic issues divide opinions, forcing people to think and debate. Inertia is useless when we want to overcome something.”
"I always like to create art with pleasure."
Smoking marijuana is illegal in Brazil, but some of Rocque's pot-stained prints are selling for $2,500 each.
Check his website:

The name comes from the process that he uses: he took a deep drag on a marijuana joint and blew the smoke on pre-cut stencils laid down on the canvas. After several puffs an image began to appear.

Rocque says he stumbled on his toking technique in 2009.

It takes him a week to do a single print — blowing about five joints of smoke onto a paper daily.

Needless to say that has sparked a great deal of controversy in the art world.

In an interview with Brazilian newspaper The Rio Times, he said “more important than freedom to smoke marijuana is the freedom to think about it and make art with it. Polemic issues divide opinions, forcing people to think and debate. Inertia is useless when we want to overcome something.”

"I always like to create art with pleasure."

Smoking marijuana is illegal in Brazil, but some of Rocque's pot-stained prints are selling for $2,500 each.

Check his website:
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